
Monday, 19 March 2012

What is a unit of alcohol and how many calories in a glass of wine?

What is a unit of alcohol and how many calories in a glass of wine?

Did you know that one large glass of red wine (250ml) is 3 units of alcohol and 170 calories so when you go out for the evening and are the designated driver you might be over the limit.

Whether you are driving or not, there are hidden dangers in alcohol. If you are following a healthy eating programme, you could be sabotaging your efforts with what you put in your glass.

Large glass of red wine 12.5% 250ml 170 3
Large glass of rose wine 250ml 178 3
Large Glass of white wine 12%250ml 185 3
Bottle of sweet white wine 750ml 500 9
Glass of Champagne 175ml 133 2.1
Pint of Strongbow Cider 568ml 210 2.5
Pint of Diamond White 568ml 230 2.4
Large bottle Magners Cider 500ml 205 2.3
Bottle of Cobra 330ml 132 1.7
2 Pints of Stella 568ml 512 6
1 bottle WKD 275ml 175 1.3
Single shot of spirit 25ml 50 1
Gin & Tonic 35ml 129 1.3 Bacardi & Diet Coke 225ml coke 107 2
2 cans Red Bull 250ml 225 0
Small glass of Baileys (double) 100ml 350 2
Cointreau 50ml 170 2

So what do you chose. My advice would be red wine because at leasst it's full of antioxidants. Before you go out, decide how many glasses you will have and stick to the plan. That way you won't feel guilty that you've indulged because you made a plan and stuck to it. If you want more info on alcohol go to www.drinkaware.co.uk.


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