
Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Another day of training

Yesterday wasn't that eventful in terms of training. I did two training walks and an unexpected short run and like every good engine, I took my tired body off to Christine Anderson in High Wycombe for a much needed aromatherapy massage. It was blissful! I can highly recommend it.

Rejuvenated, I then went to my daughter's graduation and forgot about my training for a while. At the post-graduation dinner my poor daughter accidentally spilled boiling hot water down her chest and as a result we sped home with her in tears of agony, called NHS direct who advised us to go straight to A & E and hot footed it there immediately at 1am. Amazingly we were in and out in 15 minutes. Thanks very much to the staff at A & E Wexham.

Rolled into bed at 2am but managed to make it to the gym for 6.30 and then spinning at 7am somehow. It was a tough session this morning and as usual I've come home dripping with sweat - not an attractive look but at least I know I've worked hard.

Off to take the dog for my second workout of the day, a power walk on the flat. I'll probably do about 5 or 6 miles and let's hope it doesn't rain. I don't fancy walking in my wet weather gear today.

Later on I'm going horse riding at Tally Ho Stables http://www.tallyhostables.co.uk/ . We will trot through the Queen's back garden at Windsor castle. It's so beautiful with stunning glimpses of wildlife along the way, it certainly doesn't feel like a workout. This pic was taken last time I went riding. I'll post another one tomorrow if I remember to take my camera.


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