
Friday, 26 August 2011

In Today's News

Hi everyone

Have you read the news today? On BBC Breakfast, Radio 4 and BBC Radio London they were talking about the rise in obesity and what the government are proposing to do about it? They mentioned the cost to the NHS for obesity related illness such as Diabetes, stroke, heart disease and certain cancers. I'm surprised no-one heard me shouting at the TV/radio or saw my emails to said programmes!!

It made my blood boil. What the government be doing to curb obesity? Do we want to live in a nanny state? Really. What we put in our mouths is down to us surely? OK so perhaps the retailers could help out here. They could go back to five and half days trading like we had in the 60s and 70s. For any young things reading this they'll wonder what on earth I'm talking about. Shops used to open from 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday and there was half day trading on Saturday. But would this really help? On it's own, I don't think so.

There is not one single thing that needs changing, but several things. We need to look at how we live our lives; we need to look at how we perceive ourselves within our family unit; we need to stop using food as a reward; we need to ask ourselves if we like who we are; we need to ask ourselves if we are "happy"; and we need to ask ourselves what food is giving us that the people around us don't seem able to give. That's just for starters.

Unless we change the way see ourselves, we will never succeed at losing weight and keeping it off. I feel so passionate about this and I know I sound like I'm on a soap box but it's precisely because I've been morbidly obese and I know what that feels like and how I was perceived by society that I want to help.

I once went to a pop concert with my kids and I sat down in my seat which was on the end of a row. The kids sat next to me and there were some unoccupied seats next to them. The guy sitting behind me shouted at me to "Move my f*****g fat a**e because he couldn't see and neither could his child beside him! I was so embarrassed, angry, hurt and humiliated and I refused to move. But stories like this happen every day to the 25% of the population who are morbidly obese.

There's a quote on my website which is from Abraham Lincoln which says "That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it is well". And do you know what, the best way to tackle our obesity crisis is to start now by believing in yourself and focussing on all the positive things you can do.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

What a fantastic few days I've had. It all started on Sunday when I took Freddie for a trek through Penn Woods. We were out for two and a half hours. Walking at a steady pace of 4.3mph, I thought this would be excellent training for the Ridgeway walk. I took loads of photos only because it's amazing what you miss out on if you're sitting in front of the TV with a cuppa and a packet of biscuits. Take a look at these pics and just for fun, see how many times you spot Freddie. The winner will get a prize.

If you're going for a long hike off-road, just make sure you've got the right footwear. A good walking boot with ankle support is best (see pic).

Did you spot the red kites and the ducklings? I came home feeling so envigorated and ready for action. So what did I do?
The ironing!!!

Someone's got to do it I suppose.

On Monday I did another hour and a half in Black Park. It really is wonderful
to have these things on the doorstep.

Last night I went into London to attend an awards ceremony for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. This charity is very dear to me as my eldest has diabetes. I raised nearly £3000 for them when I climbed Kilimanjaro earlier this year.

Well you can imagine my surprise when they announced that I had won "Fundraiser of the Year" award. I certainly wasn't expecting to win anything. I just thought they'd invited me to say thanks for my support. I'm planning on doing the 300K cycle ride from London to Paris in June next year for the same charity. You read about it here first.


Saturday, 9 July 2011

A joke for the weekend

One of my clients sent me this joke so I thought I'd share it with you:

An Irishman was very overweight so doctor put him on a diet.
"I want you to eat regularly for two days then skip a day, then eat regularly for two then skip a day and repeat this for two weeks. When I see you in two weeks time you should have dropped 5lbs.

Two weeks later the Irishman returns to his doctor and he stands on the scales. The doctor is stunned as he's lost 60 lbs.

"That's amazing" said the doctor. "Did you follow my instructions?"

"Certainly did," replied the Irishman, "but I taut I was going ta drop dead on dat terd day."

"From hunger?" enquired the doctor.

"No, from the feckin' skippin'"

Well that might be a joke, but there is a message here and that is that if you want to lose weight you have to combine a good eating programme with an exercise regime.

Have a great weekend and make the most of today's sunshine. 0 comments

Friday, 8 July 2011

Another wet day

Just returned hot and sweaty from the spinning studio. No aircon this morning so it was a bit like cycling in a sauna. Not pleasant.

Plans for walking the Chiltern Ridgeway are well underway and I now know that on the first night we'll be staying in a B & B actually on the Ridgeway and on the second night we'll be in a pub. It's the walking in between that will be interesting. I don't think it will be as wet as this, and the terrain certainly won't be as rough going as this but having done Kilimanjaro, I'm not too worried about the climbs.

Which reminds me, every time you face a struggle/challenge and you overcome it, write it down and keep it somewhere visible. Then when you face another big challenge you can remind yourself of what you've already achieved and this will help you overcome the next hurdle.

Just come back soaking from a walk with a client. Drivers are so inconsiderate. I'm sure they take pleasure from driving through puddles and soaking people walking on the pavement.

Have a brilliant weekend one and all.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Another Amazing Thursday

It's been another amazing Thursday. My super slimmer has lost another 3.5 lbs this week taking her ever closer to a loss of 3 stone. My other super slimmer is away on holiday but I have it on reliable authority that she is walking every day which is brilliant.

Speaking of holidays, I'm going off on my hols next week and my trainers will definitely be in my suitcase. I've become such a bad sleeper that nowadays I tend to wake at 6.30am no matter what time I've been to bed the night before. As a result, I usually sneak out of bed and grab my exercise kit and trainers and I'll get in a power walk before breakfast. It's truly the best time of day to walk because the sun is just coming up and there are no cars on the road yet. It's not too hot and if you are by a pool or the sea, you can go for a swim on your return (and get your towels on some sunbeds before everyone else!).

Holidays are always a tempting time for people. If alcohol is your thing it's best to have a strategy in place before you go away. Of course you want to enjoy yourself, but do you really want to gain 7lbs in a fortnight? The problem with alcohol is that it converts to sugar as soon as you drink it. Add that to the fruit juice/syrup that they put into cocktails and your little drink becomes a calorie laden nightmare. The best strategy is to decide before you go out exactly how much you want to drink (red wine is best as it also contains anti-oxidants) and stick to that number only. Also do you HAVE to drink every night? Try spacing it out.

There'll be more holiday tips as we head towards the school hols but in the meantime, you might want to think about increasing your walk time and adding in a few hills if you want to look great in your swimwear.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Another day of training

Yesterday wasn't that eventful in terms of training. I did two training walks and an unexpected short run and like every good engine, I took my tired body off to Christine Anderson in High Wycombe for a much needed aromatherapy massage. It was blissful! I can highly recommend it.

Rejuvenated, I then went to my daughter's graduation and forgot about my training for a while. At the post-graduation dinner my poor daughter accidentally spilled boiling hot water down her chest and as a result we sped home with her in tears of agony, called NHS direct who advised us to go straight to A & E and hot footed it there immediately at 1am. Amazingly we were in and out in 15 minutes. Thanks very much to the staff at A & E Wexham.

Rolled into bed at 2am but managed to make it to the gym for 6.30 and then spinning at 7am somehow. It was a tough session this morning and as usual I've come home dripping with sweat - not an attractive look but at least I know I've worked hard.

Off to take the dog for my second workout of the day, a power walk on the flat. I'll probably do about 5 or 6 miles and let's hope it doesn't rain. I don't fancy walking in my wet weather gear today.

Later on I'm going horse riding at Tally Ho Stables http://www.tallyhostables.co.uk/ . We will trot through the Queen's back garden at Windsor castle. It's so beautiful with stunning glimpses of wildlife along the way, it certainly doesn't feel like a workout. This pic was taken last time I went riding. I'll post another one tomorrow if I remember to take my camera.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Training begins for walk along Chiltern Ridgeway

My next event is looming and it's time to get my walking boots on again to train for the 87 mile Chiltern Ridgeway walk. I haven't worn my boots since returning from Kilimanjaro in January 2011 so it's really important to wear them in so I minimise the risk of blisters.

On 15th August myself and two others will drive to Overton Hill near Avebury from where we will set off on the first leg of our three day walk. On the first day we plan to walk 24.5 miles and we'll end up in a little village near Wantage.

The best way to train for this is to go for long walks with a day pack strapped to my back (preferably with weights in it). With Freddie - my two year old cockerpoo - for company, I will be walking in all my usual places as well as discovering some new tracks too. It's best to go off-road as this is the kind of rough terrain that we'll be walking on.

I had a lovely sunny walk this morning with Freddie round Denham Country Park. At only three miles long, I'll need to increase the mileage by the end of the week.
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